Interface Season 2015-2016
The Invisible Psychological and Spiritual Impacts of Racism

Note: Special Location for This Event Only!
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
3700 Baseline Road
Boulder CO 80303
7:15am: Sign-in Registration: Coffee, tea
7:30 – 8:45am: Panel
9 – 10am: AfterThoughts: Discussion
$10 Suggested Donation, collected at the door
(No one turned away for lack of funds)
Old Drug, New Tricks: Utilizing MDMA for Treating PTSD

Healing in the Wild: Quieting the Mind ~Opening the Heart

Addressing Substance Abuse Issues in Clinical and Pastoral Realms

Towards Authenticity, Meaning, and Joy: Lessons from Shamanism

Climate Calamity: Spiritual and Psychological Implications

Interreligious Spiritual Care: Emerging Models for Spiritual Care and Education

Ambiguous Loss and the Way of the Wounded Healer

Cultivating Love in Intimate Relationships

Letting It Be: Mindful Lessons In Acceptance

NOTE: This Session Only!
We will meet in Classroom 2
1st floor, east hallway
Bridging Soma & Soul: Treating Trauma from the Perspective of Wholeness

Behavioral Health and the Criminal Justice System: From Community to Prison and Back