December 21st, 2011
Reason to Hope: At the Turning Point in Our Evolution
Bob Whitehouse, Ed.D., Private practice, Boulder Denver, Adjunct Asst Prof, DU Graduate School of Professional Psychology
Interface Host: Chuck Gaylord
What difference would it make if we found an evolutionary pattern indicating that we are at the key turning point in the evolution of our consciousness and purpose? Could this pattern predict what is trying to take place with the chaos of the present?
According to Arthur Young, evidence is mounting that the shape and movement pattern of the universe has been discovered. It is a spiral; but different than that of Teilhard de Chardin, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Don Beck, and most astronomers. Interestingly, the heart and the universe share similar patterns. A deep understanding of this double spiral toroidal pattern (picture an electromagnetic field but with a spiraling rotation) reveals what is trying to take place in us and in the world today at this 4th of 7 stages.
The turmoil is about what isn't working any longer. The turn is about finding right combination and right timing so that we turn inward and upward creating what is akin to the virgin birth, a second coming alive, the tapping of our creative genius, another stage in our spiritual unfoldment, or what Barbara Marx Hubbard and Jean Houston are calling the crisis of an impending birth, of the Planetary Human.
Through relevant slides and handouts, I hope in the short time we have to engage you to discuss your intuitions, meditations, and dreams on this topic and your hopes and intended actions on surviving and evolving. I'll also invite you into the Global Coherence Initiative with a brief technique developed by The Institute for HeartMath.