Pamela Kohll MS LPC CSAT, Member of SASH, The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health . Affilitated with IITAP, The International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals.
My first position after graduate school in 1997 (University of Nebraska Omaha) was at an erectile dysfunction clinic for men. As the Mental Health Therapist, I interviewed men about their sexual history, and how it might be an influence on their erectile dysfunction. After a year, the clinic closed due to the advent of Viagra. I then opened a private practice and saw infertile couples referred to me by a reproductive endocrinologist. Some of the couples were lesbians who were going through the donor insemination process and this piqued my interest in the interpersonal psychology of same sex couples.
I attended national conferences such as the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and conversely, a week of personal couples therapy with Mark Schwartz, then clinical director of Master’s and Johnson in St. Louis Missouri.
I joined offices with another sex therapist in Omaha, who had been working in the field of sex addiction for over twenty years.I received training and certification through the Patrick Carnes program as a sex addiction therapist in 2004, founded CoStar, the Center of Sexual Treatment and Recovery, and worked with individuals, couples and facilitated group therapy for 3 years until 2007, when I moved to Boulder, Colorado to work on a book project.
In January 2010, I opened Boulder Center of Sexual Treatment and Recovery and aside from individual and couple’s therapy, I facilitate group therapy for both sex addicts and a separate group therapy for partners of sex addicts.