Transforming Our God Image

About the Presentation
This session will be an exploration of the evolving God image within our individual and collective psyches. We will look at our personal images of Divinity against the backdrop of ancestral and societal ideologies, and discuss how the divine “urge to wholeness” is calling us forward in our lives and in the life of our struggling planet.
About the Presenter
Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, M.A. is an author, therapist, and spiritual teacher. She is fascinated with the common boundary shared by Kabbalah (Jewish mystical teachings) and Depth (Jungian) Psychology. This provides a focus for her teachings which center on the integration of ancient mystical wisdom into contemporary life. Her publications include, With Roots in Heaven: One Woman’s Passionate Journey into the Heart of Her Faith; The Receiving: Reclaiming Jewish Women’s Wisdom,and The Woman’s Kabbalah: Ecstatic Jewish Practices for Women.
Additional Resources
Suggested Readings for those interested in the Transformation of the God-Image
Rabbi Firestone may be contacted at [email protected]