The Tree and Me: Finding Life Purpose Through Connecting with Nature

About The Presentation
About the Presenter
Priscilla Stuckey is a writer, editor, and scholar with a passion for reconnecting people with nature. Her memoir, Kissed By a Fox: And Other Stories of Friendship in Nature, published by Counterpoint Press in 2012, won the 2013 Nautilus Silver Award in Animals/Nature and the 2012 ForeWord Book of the Year Award in Nature. The book weaves memoir and nonfiction into an insightful look at Western culture’s attitudes toward nature and was praised by Publisher’s Weekly as “an entertaining and emotionally resonant book.” Stuckey received her PhD in feminist theory and religious studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA, and was the founder of a nonprofit land trust in Oakland, CA. She is affiliate faculty in the doctoral program of Prescott College in Prescott, AZ.
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