The Transgender Liberation Movement: Can Psychology & Religion Relate?

About the Presentation
Ms. Garcia will present background information on the terminology associated with the umbrella term – transgender. She will discuss the psychological roots and meanings of transsexual, transvestite, hermaphrodite, gender dysphoria and gender identity disorder and how those terms have evolved into the preferred terms used today: cross-dresser, intersex and transgender. In addition, she will explore with the group, how psychology has helped and hindered the Transgender movement through the years. She will also consider the Bible and talk about the scriptures that help and hinder the transgender individual when looking for an open and welcoming religious community.
About the Presenter
Nicole Garcia completed her transition from male to female at age 44, while employed as a law enforcement officer for the State of Colorado. She currently holds the position of Transgender Representative to the Board of Directors of Lutherans Concerned/North America (LC/NA), an international organization that works for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Lutherans in all aspects of the life of their Church and congregations. She is in the master’s degree program in Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado Denver and intends to work as a gender clinician upon earning her graduate degree.
Additional Resources
Contact information: Nicole Garcia, (720) 936-9873; [email protected]
The story of Nicole’s transition may be found in the LC/NA quarterly publication, Concord, which can be accessed on the LC/NA website at:
Download Nicole’s Powerpoint presentation
Download Nicole’s Handout of books, articles, and websites that may be useful