The Intrinsic Value of Collaboration: How Interdependency Leads to Compassion

About the Presentation
During this session the experience will come first then the lesson. We will explore, experience and explain how certain learning situations help us learn about collaboration, interdependency and compassion. After some initial assessment activities we will develop team and individual learning experiences. This session will be entertaining and enlightening with the most current research and theory to draw from. Play for Peace is an international non-profit which brings children, youth and organizations together in order to create peaceful communities. Presently PFP is in 12 regions around the world helping the make life a little better for our communities. PFP will be a model for our session.
About the Presenter
Craig Dobkin
Peace Corps Volunteer – Papua New Guinea
Michael Stratton Award – Association for Experiential Education
Kurt Hahn Address – to a person who has contributed to the development and advancement of experiential education
Educator – elementary through university for 25 years
Created two manuals on experiential learning
Additional Resources
Craig H. Dobkin
510 Pine Street, Gold Hill
Boulder CO 80302
[email protected]
720 317-3167