Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business!

About the Presentation
The memberhsip of Interface is in a key position to be of help in addressing this major public health problem (Surgeon General).
- Colorado ranks 7th in the entire Nation for rates of suicide! (Last year we were 5th. It’s not that our numbers went down last year but that other states rates increased!)
- Nationwide suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for adolescents 15 to 19.
- In Colorado it is the 2nd leading cause of death for the same age range.
- The Boulder County 2003 Youth Risk Behavior Survey indicates that Boulder Valley School District students are ‘seriously contemplating suicide’ at a significantly higher rate than just 2 years previous.
While it is difficult to hear of these rates particularly when it comes to our youth, the reality is that suicide is not as common among youth as it is among older populations… rates are highest for men mid 30’s to mid 40’s and particularly high for our elderly male population. The populations most at risk are least likely to seek services from mental health and/or health professionals.
The populations that are expected to have the most training in suicide prevention and intervention skills often don’t have the training… even when they do it is often only after suicidal behavior has occurred that professional caregivers are involved.
Research shows that it is people with the most contact with a person at risk or persons who by nature of their work come in frequent contact with at risk folks who are the people who need the training. Who are these people? Well, its teachers and parents and adult children of elderly parents, its health practictioners, coaches, pastors. Its also law enforcement, casemanagers, nurses aides and best friends… basically, its each and everyone of us. Most of us have some kind of first-aide training or even CPR. We would know how to tell if someone were sending a signal that they were choking and basically what we should do. We need to get the same basic training to identify when a person might be at risk for suicide and some tools to prevent the immediate risk.
While a short presentation can’t teach the skills of suicide intervention I’d like the opportunity to provide as many key caregivers in our community as possible with some basic awareness information. My hopes are to ignite some passion for each of you and your membership to become more involved in spreading more of this information to as many in our community as possible. We CAN save lives!
About the Presenter
Larry Botnick, LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Education: Masters of Social Work, University of Denver, 1991; B.S. in Social Work, Colorado State University, 1986
Background / Experience: Have been working in the mental health field since in 1986. Have worked in various settings, group homes, hospitals, including the CMHI@ Ft Logan the state hospital. The Denver Courts and the Denver Juvenile Detention center, where for 6 years employed we were the only facility in the state without a suicide attempt. The mental health centers in both in Denver and Adams county. Adjunct professor at Metropolitan State College in the Social Work Department
Professional Interests / Specialties:
High risk adolescents
Mental Health Laws
Cognative Behavioral therapy
Structural and Strategic family therapy
Professional Affiliations / Activities:
National Association of Social Workers
Suicide Prevention Coalition of Colorado
Mental Health Association of Colorado
Yellow Ribbon International Suicide Prevention Program
Colorado State Mental Health Advisory Board for Standards and Practice 1998-2000
Dale Emme, Co-Founder (with wife Dar) -Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program®, Light For Life Fnd. Int’l & serve as Executive and Deputy Director. Survivors, lost son, Michael Emme 1994.
Consultants: developing state plans/state coalitions and community
Trainers: community development and suicide prevention gatekeeper training
Commissioners, Appointed to CO Gov. Suicide Prevention Advisory Commission, 1998 (As commissioners, helped develop Colorado’s State Plan for Suicide Prevention)
Assisted in creating the CO Office of Suicide Prevention, and served on the Advisory Board 2001-2005
Founding members of Suicide Prevention Coalition of Colorado, 1999-current, Founding Members, National Council for Suicide Prevention, 1999-current
National judges for the Alliance of the American Psychiatric Association’s When Not to Keep A Secret national essay contest
Obtained national endorsement from the American Osteopathic Association
Authors: ‘I’ll Always Be With You’ (Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul) and ‘Legacy of the Yellow Mustang’
Created an international Yellow Ribbon Suicide Awareness and Prevention Week – observed internationally the 3rd week of Sept.
U.S. House Resolution 286 recognizing the Week (9.9.1999)
U.S. Senate Concurrent Resolution 119, recognizing the Week (9.14.2004)
Governors throughout give proclamations declaring the Prevention Week.
Created and developed a comprehensive program which is offered worldwide through training seminars, workshops, in-services and presentations. Addressed and worked with over 250,000 youth through presentations, seminars and workshops.
Appeared in:
¨ Chicken Soup For The Soul – #3 Serving
¨ Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul
¨ The OPRAH Show
¨ Television: Channels 7, 9 & 12 – Denver, CO
¨ Denver Post – Denver, Colorado
¨ Rocky Mountain News – Denver, Colorado
¨ Newspapers throughout the U.S.
(Partial list)
Awards and Recognition’s:
¨ Westminster Man and Woman of the Year’ Chamber of Commerce, Westminster., CO, 2000
¨ Everyday Hero’s by KMGH Channel 7-ABC, Denver CO, 1999
¨ Persons of the Week’, WJRT- TV 12, Flint, MI, 1998
The Emmes are Survivors-in-Action and continue to work with states and communities to develop strategies and life saving programs and develop chapters throughout the world. They have received over 50,000+ letters, emails and phone calls from people of all ages throughout the world.
Additional Resources
Dale and Dar Emme
PO Box 644 Westminster
CO 80036-0644
F 303-429-3530
Fax: 303-426-4496
[email protected]