Where Politics and Psychology Meet: Citizenship as Spiritual Practice

7:15am: Check-in, Coffee/tea
7:30 – 8:50am: Program
8:50 – 9am: Break
9 – 9:45am: AfterThoughts: Discussion
About The Presentation
In a dialogue with participants, Mark will explore how “politics” challenges each of us psychologically and spiritually. We will explore our responses to that challenge and ask together: “What is a healthy way of responding to a toxic political system?” In a brief opening talk, Mark will share how his journey through politics has challenged him and influenced his understanding of consciousness and citizenship.
About the Presenter
Mark Gerzon is the author of several relevant books, most recently The Reunited States of America: How We Can Bridge the Partisan Divide. A student of Erik Erikson in college, with training in clinical psychology and family systems therapy. However, his career led him to work, not with families or individuals, but with larger systems. Mark has spent the last quarter century applying what he learned about psychology to working with client organizations ranging from the US Congress to the United Nations. With his colleague John Steiner, he has spent the last two year developing a “transpartisan” citizen’s movement.
Additional Resources
LISTEN to KGNU Radio 10/18/16 interview with Mark
President: Mediators Foundation
Columnist: www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-gerzon
Author: The Reunited States of America; How We Can Bridge The Partisan Divides