Peace Beyond Belief: The Work of Byron Katie

About the Presentation
Bryan and Sue will introduce The Work of Byron Katie, and demonstrate this simple, yet powerful process of inquiry-based stress reduction. Learn how you can use The Work to identify and question the thoughts and beliefs that cause stress in your life, and ultimately all suffering in the world. The Work shows you what’s causing your suffering, and through this understanding, replaces it with mental clarity and inner peace.
The Work is sometimes described as the “how to” for Eckhart Tolle’s teachings of Presence. It may be used to alleviate depression, reduce and eliminate stress and anger, improve relationships with others and yourself, and to increase mental clarity in any situation. The process of The Work consists of “Four Questions and a Turnaround”, and it can be used with any stressful thought.
About the Presenters
Bryan Clark, M.A., combines his knowledge of human perception, cognitive psychology, and The Work of Byron Katie, to offer workshops and private facilitations of The Work in Boulder and Denver, Colorado. He earned a B.S. in Psychology and a M.A. in Human Factors Psychology (the study of how humans interact with objects and environments) at the University of Central Florida. Bryan is a Graduate of The School for The Work of Byron Katie, and a Certified Facilitator-in-Training at The Institute for The Work of Byron Katie. Bryan specializes in helping people overcome stress and discover mental clarity related to relationships, conflict resolution, fear/anxiety, body image and self-esteem, chronic/terminal illness, and spiritual growth and awareness.
Bryan is passionate about sharing The Work with others, as a tool for transforming their lives in positive and meaningful ways. People who regularly practice The Work report experiences of inner peace, mental clarity, gratitude, and a desire to serve others.
Sue Maclaren L.P.C., L.A.C., clinical training coordinator at Arapahoe House Inc. since 2003. It’s the largest substance abuse program in Colorado, providing most of the CAC I required trainings and some CAC II required and elective trainings.
She began her substance abuse career at the Boulder ARC. Following that, Sue was a primary counselor at Harmony in Estes Park and then worked in an intensive outpatient program. She worked as an Employee Assistance counselor for both the Postal Service and the Federal Government.
Sue has been involved with The Work of Byron Katie since 2004 and is a certified facilitator for The Work. The Work or Inquiry is beginning to be known as Inquiry Based Stress Reduction (IBSR) in the mental health field and there is a growing body of evidence to show this as effective therapy.
Additional Resources
Official website of The Work of Byron Katie:
Bryan Clark:
[email protected]
(303) 800-6785
Suggested Reading – Books by Byron Katie:
Loving What Is (An introduction to The Work)
I Need Your Love – Is That True?
A Thousand Names for Joy (This book combines the Tao Te Ching with Byron Katie’s life experience)
I am interested in participating in Byron Katie work. Please share any information regarding Boulder groups. My website will be back up by July!
Thanks so much.