Sandy Novak has a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University, 1997. Her credentials include: Family Therapy certificate, Denver Family Institute, 1990; Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, 1995; faculties of Naropa, Satir Global Network, Satir Institute of the Pacific and Banmen Satir China Management Centre. She is currently teaching the Satir Model in China three months of the year.
What the World Needs Now: Connection, Attachment, and Spirituality

About The Presentation
We will use experiential exercises to demonstrate what connection feels like, describe the theoretical framework used in Emotionally Focused Therapy to bring couples from conflict to connection, and free associate about a world in which we look at our fellow humans as potential allies with whom we can be vulnerable.
Virginia Satir taught us to heal troubled families by fostering connection between family members. Sue Johnson advocates recognizing the importance of safe attachment in couples and families, and teaches partners how to create safety in their relationships.
What if connection and safe attachment were not just for troubled marriages and families, but for all human to human interactions? Striving toward such a world might be deemed a spiritual quest. In this workshop, we will explain some of the nuts and bolts of creating connection as posited by Satir and Johnson, and go beyond the practicalities to muse on what such a world might be like.