Manifesta of Active Wisdom: Emerging Themes About a New Stage of Life at 50 and Beyond

11:30am – 1:30pm
Location: The Boulder Jewish Community Center
CLICK for Directions
About The Presentation
The Manifesta of Active Wisdom unveils nine hopeful and unexpected themes about a new stage of life from 50-70+ called adulthood II. These nine principles are based on Sue’s interviews with 100 women ages 50-93 in 2016/17. Launching her research and book project after noticing unmistakable trends among women clients, retreat participants, friends, and herself as they approached “retirement years” with no interest in old models of what that meant, Sue came upon the work of Mary Catherine Bateson. Bateson (social anthropologist, author Composing A Further Life, daughter of Margaret Mead) asserts that for the first time in human history we have a new stage of life – after adulthood but before elderhood – called adulthood two. Those of us in it are pioneering what this stage is whether we know it or not.
This presentation is to spark a conversation about emerging inclinations, priorities and “new tracks” being laid down by women (and perhaps men) in adulthood two in order to glean helpful hints about our clients, congregants, patients and ourselves who are navigating this period of life. Spiritual interests and practices, relationship desires and “done withs,” themes about work, worries, and renewed purpose are all included. Many myths and age-related assumptions are blasted out of the water.
About the Presenter
Sue Brightmanhas spent 30 years as a Conscious Business consultant and leadership coach. Prior to founding Brightman Glover International in 2000 she was Director of Leadership Training for Pulitzer Newspapers and Senior Global Transformation Team member at Shell Oil. After moving to Boulder in 2007, Sue completed chaplain training and served as an on-call Chaplain for Boulder Community Hospital, Boulder jail, and psychiatric unit while continuing to work with business clients. She became the first part-time Executive Director of INMI (Interfaith Network on Mental Illness) in 2016, simultaneously transitioning away from part-time corporate consulting toward coaching work with women over age 50. Sue believes the Manifesta of Active Wisdom from 100 interviews holds helpful hints not only for individuals but for systems in general: corporate, political, educational, and for the role women of all ages will increasingly play. Her book is aimed for publication in December 2019.
A former presenter at Interface on Spirituality as a Resource for Mental Health Clients, Sue remains active in Boulder’s mental health community, as a chaplain, and in her work supporting women who want to re-purpose their lives beyond age 50. She’s thrilled to engage with the Interface audience about the new questions arising in these new times.
Additional Resources
Book: Manifesta of Active Wisdom, A Call to Further Becoming from 100 Women Age Fifty and Beyond (scheduled for publication Dec 2019)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 303.530.3458
Provided at presentation:Manifesta of Active Wisdom one-page overview poster
Listen to4/19/19 radio interview HERE: