Community Forum: The Future of Interface

Zoom with Us, Free! 11:30am – 1:30pm (MT)
To join the Zoom meeting:
($10 suggested donation also much appreciated)
About The Presentation
Have you been participating and attending monthly Interface presentations during the past few years? Or, perhaps the past few decades?
The Interface Board* requests your attendance and participation for this important event.
It’s time to re-evaluate Interface’s mission. We seek your input to discuss if Interface should continue on as we have for the past 45 years, make some needed changes or bring it all to a close in 2022.
In preparation for this discussion, we will have circulated a survey to all our 600 members asking for input. During this community discussion, we will review the results of our survey, and share our insights and memories of previous Interface programs. What did you appreciate most or least? What would you attend in the future? Are you zoomed out? Is it feasible to meet again in person in the future? Is it time to bring our mission to a close?
The Board will listen carefully to every comment and suggestion from the survey and this timely discussion. Then, Interface will pause to enter into a two month “Season of Discernment” during November and December 2021 to reflect and determine what makes most sense for the future of Interface.
Your participation and input is critically important to us all. Please consider attending and contributing. Your opinion will help determine the future of interface!
Your Voice Matters!
*Current Interface Board members: Barry Erdman, Dawn Taylor, Jed Shapiro and Stan Adamson
About the Presenters
You! Our Interface Participants
Additional Resources
Interface’s History: See listings of Interface programs from the past 20 years HERE
When I was active in Interface, before doing a ton of “interim” ministries over a lot of time and space, I found it usually helpful, nearly always interesting, with an attempt to truly “interface” the interests of clergy & therapists. I think if the focus remains on topics of mutual interest, addressing problems and situations actually encountered in the lives of all, it will continue to have value, and I may well become active again (now, finally, retired). Avoid esoteric topics or topics of very narrow interest.
Thanks for your comments Ken!