How Beliefs, Rights & Personal Agency Propel Recovery

Zoom with Us! 11:30am – 1:30pm (MT)
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About The Presentation
The talk will focus on the importance of rights, personal agency and misconceptions about major mental disorders that inhibit full recovery. Discussed will be essential elements that are key to giving one the opportunity to attain more than stabilization but to realistically strive for growth/transformation. Research, personal experience, and the narratives of others’ experience will be discussed.
About the Presenter
Ronald Bassman Ph.D.
“After more than forty years of studying madness or what I prefer to call extreme and diverse mental states, my beliefs and understanding have continued to evolve. When I was 22 years old, I was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric institution for 6 months where I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and subjected to massive doses of medication along with a combined series of 40 insulin induced comas and electroshock. Three years later I was hospitalized again for another 6 months and diagnosed with schizophrenia, chronic type. As I became stronger I thought the best protection against my being forced into treatment again would be to become one of THEM. I returned to Graduate school, earned my PhD in psychology and became a licensed psychologist.
I believe that by writing and speaking my truth to power, I can challenge the misconceptions of both mental health professionals and the general public – and most importantly inspire fellow travelers.
Among my written works are the books A Fight to Be: Experiences From Both Sides of the Locked Door and Exploring Identities of Psychiatric Survivor Therapists: Beyond Us and Them.
An article I wrote, Never Give Up, published in the peer reviewed journal Psychosis was voted by subscribers to be the best article of 2012. My current work as Executive Director of MindFreedom International is centered on community inclusion and social justice.”
Additional Resources
Read Dr. Bassman’s article in Psychosis Journal:
entitled: Never Give Up
Hello Ron & Interface folks,
I wonder if here is a copy of this Zoom talk available to see? I work for Windhorse Community Services. My schedule is unfortunately difficult to change.
Many thanks,
Heather L Anthony, MA
Heather, There will be a recording available in the next 24hour on our Youtube channel… check here: