The Female Buddha and the Divine Feminine: Contemplations and Conversation

About The Presentation
The inspiration for the book originally came in a dream and has led to continually unfolding insights and wonderful connections. We will explore the role of sacred words and images as sources of wisdom, creativity and compassion in our lives. Come to be inspired and enriched in your personal life and work in the world. This presentation is for both men and women.
About the Presenter
Deborah Bowman, Ph.D., is a psychologist, photographer and professor at Naropa University where she developed the Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and Wilderness Therapy programs. She has been in private practice as a psychotherapist for over 27 years and utilizes Gestalt, Jungian and Mindfulness approaches. She is the author of The Female Buddha: Discovering the Heart of Liberation and Love and The Luminous Buddha: Image and Word.
Additional Resources
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