Exploring Archetypes through Music, Movement and Meditation

About the Presentation
We all experience the world and interact with the world through archetypes. We have favorite ones and ones that we avoid or under-use. We are less effective (in love, work, and life) when we have fewer choices. Life can be richer and fuller as we more deeply explore the archetypes we already use, and expand our repertoire by becoming familiar with all the rest.
Music can powerfully evoke the archetypes, movement (large or small) allows us to express and explore various facets of the archetypes, and meditation allows us to integrate the changes in deep and surprising ways.
Through a private experiential process, we will explore the positive aspects of the archetypes that are prominent for us as well as ones that are forgotten or avoided. This exploration can open us to greater choices in life, work, relationships, and spiritual development.
Sat Tara’s explanation of the Pearson-Marr Archetypes
The Innocent: As the innocent, you trust the world around you with a feeling that you cannot fail. You move into the world with optimism and faith that things will work out.
The Orphan: As the orphan, you know that times can be hard, but you also know that you can rely on yourself to make it through. You are tough, realistic, alert and resilient.
The Warrior: As the warrior, you are fearless, whether that means defending against an external enemy or facing something within yourself. You trust your strength to pull you through. You can defend yourself and others.
The Caregiver: As the caregiver, you feel that you should help others and you feel fulfilled in that role. You are compassionate and generous.
The Seeker: As the seeker, you are willing to try new things and forge a new path. You are a scout and a pioneer. You are open to new ideas.
The Lover: As the lover, you delight in intimacy with another, in all its forms. You can commit because you know that love is the answer.
The Destroyer: As the destroyer, you are willing to let go and start over and to take action to end a bad situation. You know when to cut your losses. Revolution is sometimes the answer.
The Creator: As the creator, you are imaginative and clever and sometimes find solutions no one would have thought of. If you can imagine it, it can be created. Creativity flows through you effortlessly.
The Ruler: As the ruler, taking charge and being responsible is easy and natural. It is important to be in control. You only answer to your self, your inner guidance. You did not have to earn your position, it was granted to you.
The Magician: As the magician, you have the innate power to transform the world around you. You are a visionary and a healer. People respond to your charisma.
The Sage: As the sage, you believe that the truth will set you free. You can separate your thinking from emotions and self-interest. You access divine knowledge.
The Jester: As the jester, you know that life and work are meant to be enjoyed. You take things lightly and are in the here and now. It’s easy to be spontaneous.
About the Presenter
Sat Tara is a licensed psychotherapist in Boulder, Colorado with over 30 years experience in helping families in crisis, particularly divorce. She has been a mediator for the past 5 years and is on the faculty of the Institute for Advanced Dispute Resolution. She has performed evaluations for the court systems in Colorado and Illinois for 18 years regarding parenting time and decision-making. She has extensive experience in handling hundreds of cases of child abuse and neglect and sexual abuse. She is a former board member of the Boulder Interdisciplinary Committee on Child Custody Issues. Sat Tara received training in Collaborative Family Law in 2002 and has helped train attorneys in numerous presentations in collaborative divorce for the Boulder County Bar Association.
Sat Tara is certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and trained in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. She is a graduate of Smith College where she was a First Group Scholar. Sat Tara authored the book “Divorce Survival and Recovery” (1995) that details 30 techniques to use during the loss of a relationship. She recently produced three CDs on managing emotions including: “Handling Anger,” “Freedom from Fear,” and “10 Keys to Motivation.” Sat Tara has maintained an interest in reflective practice for the past 40 years. She is married and has two teenage children (where reflective practice comes in handy!). Sat Tara is interested in interdisciplinary approaches to conflict resolution and has, for example, given presentations in the use of metaphor in mediation and in collaborative divorce, Aikido as a body-based reference for handling high conflict clients, and the use of reflective practice in mediation. She has been a Sikh since 1972 and a minister since 1981. In 2005, Sat Tara founded the Women’s Global Forum, a consortium of over 50 organizations and individuals working to alleviate worldwide suffering.
Additional Resources
Sat Tara can be reached at: 303-530-7080