Death: The Last Hurrah

About the Presentation
Will your death be equal to your life? Once we are through being insulted that we’re going to die, we can begin to look at what death means in the context of our lives. The same principles that we have lived by are the ones we will likely want to manifest when we are facing the end of our lives. How do we illuminate what those values are and how do they translate into successful choices for life completion? Do we recognize that how we face the end of our life is part of our legacy to those we love?
In this presentation, we’ll consider how our personal values can skillfully shape plans and choices to facilitate a dignified and masterful completion of our lives.
About the Presenter
Kim Mooney has worked with HospiceCare of Boulder and Broomfield Counties for 18 years, first directing family and community grief services, and now as Director of Community Education. She has developed and facilitated educational offerings, professional trainings, grief support and critical incident debriefing services for community groups, school districts, corporations, faith communities, mental health agencies, and health care facilities. She is a keynote speaker and national presenter and is on the Board of Directors of the Association for Death Education and Counseling.
Additional Resources
[email protected]
Aging and Dying Well YouTube video