Cultivating Love in Intimate Relationships

About The Presentation
Blending Eastern and Western traditions, we will explore what it takes to cultivate “True Love” in a committed relationship. We will begin with a brief survey of what “Imago” and other Western approaches teach us, and the revolution that is taking place–moving from an “individual” to a “relational paradigm” of human behavior. We will then explore Thich Nhat Hanh’s profound teachings on Mindfulness practice and “Teachings on Love”, and how the foundations of this “new” world-view have been present in Buddhist teachings for thousands of years. Come and be inspired as we explore both the broader spiritual and philosophical aspects of committed relationship, as well as skills and practices that we can all use to uproot conflict and reactivity, and cultivate connection and joyful relationship.
About the Presenter
Ben Cohen, Ph.D., is a Licensed Psychologist and Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. He is Co-Dean of the Faculty of Imago Relationships International, and has had a private psychotherapy practice in Boulder and Denver specializing in relationship counseling for over 20 years. Ben has presented the “Getting the Love You Want” Couples Workshop over 80 times to audiences in Colorado and nationally, including recent presentations integrating Buddhism and Imago at the Shambhala Mountain Retreat Center in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado. He has been a practitioner of various forms of meditation since 1987, and currently finds his home in the Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
Additional Resources
Recommended Readings:
- Thich Nhat Hanh, Teachings On Love, and others.
- Harville Hendrix, Getting the Love You Want, and others.