Spirituality Tools for Counseling in the Time of Covid-19

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About The Presentation
CoViD-19 is perhaps the most extensive and challenging existential crisis of our time. Those who offer counseling and pastoral care find themselves with a unique challenge. Whether we want to or not, we must deal with this frontier of the big questions in life. The presentation will review standardized to
ols and a diagnostic interview process for assessing spiritual strengths, needs and issues
of those struggling in the current time. Then having identified these spiritual needs and issues, we will talk about how we might address them in a systematic way.
About the Presenter
Richard Williams, M.Div., LCSW, LAC, is an ordained UCC minister, and a clinical social worker offering psychotherapy in private practice and for Mental Health Partners in Broomfield, CO. He attended and received his Masters in Social Work degree at the University of Denver to train as a clinical and community social worker. He received a Masters of Divinity degree from Iliff University, Denver. Rich is an active board member,
past program committee member and has provided technical support for Interface Boulder for many years. He is also a director on the Board of Interfaith Network for Mental Illness. His publications include a variety of technical papers, two patents and training materials for MHP on mental health and older adults. He is currently writing a book supporting the provision of medical and counseling social work as well as case management for those who serve residents in Nursing Homes.
Additional Resources
View Recording of this presentation.
Download Rich Wiliams’ power point slides for this presentation.
Listen to Rich Williams 12/15/20 radio interview on KGNU fm:
- Resilience: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/resilience
- Should Love Be Unconditional? | Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-the-name-love/201005/should-love-be-unconditional
- The Psychology Behind Unconditional Love, According To Science: https://www.elitedaily.com/p/the-psychology-behind-unconditional-love-according-to-science-18175923
- Personality Changes from Cult Involvement – Freedom’s Hope Counseling, LLC: https://freedomshopecounseling.com/personality-changes-from-cult-involvement/
- [CoVID] Grief and Loss | CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/stress-coping/grief-loss.html
- Helping Students Facing Homelessness:
On-lIne Courses
- Helping Families and Children Cope with CoVID-19: http://www.7-dippity.com/other/covid-19.html
- Counseling clients affected by CoVID-19 pandemic: https://www.udemy.com/course/counselling-covid/
- Collection of courses provided through SAMHSA: https://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/training-and-technical-assistance-covid19.pdf