Celtic Spirituality and Personal Growth

About The Presentation
Celtic spirituality has its roots in the ancient past, and influenced a vibrant, non-Roman expression of Christianity, flowering in the 5th-7th centuries C.E. Celtic Christianity resonates with contemporary concerns such as earth care, gender equality and de-centralized authority and community. Expressing itself in music, graphic arts, and poetic prayer, Celtic Christianity and spirituality can be a way toward personal growth. Love of nature, vibrant music, practices of daily prayer, and a joyful, grateful approach to life’s challenges as aspects of Celtic spirituality, as well as communities such as Iona Abbey and the Northumbria Community, will be explored in the presentation.
About the Presenter
Stan Adamson is a graduate of UCLA (BFA in film), Fuller Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and McCormick Theological Seminary (D.Min.). He grew up in Los Angeles, and has served congregations in L.A., Kansas and Colorado; he is an avid photographer, writer, horse trainer and musician; for the past several years, he has annually visited sacred sights in Ireland and the north of England, and participated in Craiceann, the international summer school for bodhran players on the island of Inisheer, Co. Clare, Republic of Ireland.
Additional Resources
Celtic Daily Prayer (New York: HarperCollins, 2002) produced by the Northumbria Community, is the best single introduction to this way of life.