Anger, Compassion and Healing

About the Presentation
Mr. Rifkin will present his compassionate view of anger and the role it plays in healing as well as life fulfillment. In addition, he will highlight the ways in which anger can be used effectively in short and long term therapy and pastoral care. Questions regarding ways to deal with current issues related to anger will also be addressed.
About the Presenter
Dr. John Rifkin is a licensed Psychologist with a private practice in Boulder, Colorado. His book, The Healing Power of Anger: The Unexpected Path to Love and Fulfillment was published in 2004. Mr. Rifkin’s presentations have been well received at the First Yoga Expo in Los Angeles and also recently at Deepak Chopra’s World Wellness Weekend in Denver. He also speaks regularly at spiritually oriented bookstores around the country. His outreach mental health television show, “Emotional Success,” was on cable for two years in Colorado. He has served as the Chair of the Committee on Professional Practice for the Colorado Psychological Association and also served on the Board of Directors.
Additional Resources
John R. Rifkin, Ph.D.
255 Canyon Blvd., Suite 300
Boulder, CO 80302